As the only day i can remember is the 26th (my birthday) everything else that i mention either happened before or after then, just not sure when.
anyway for my birthday as i said i had a lot of work to do but i still had a great time, on monday at something like 1:30 in the morning me and Emily made some awesome Sushi, we have made it before but this is the first time we made proper Sushi that you would pay top dollar for, also this is th first time i have remembered to take photos while we've made it.
it was so much fun making the Sushi and then putting so much wasabi on it, i love the stuff but emily can't stand it (more for me - YEEEEEYYYY)
After we had finished eating i headed home to get on with my work (fun fun fun), i spent all night doing work (yes didn't sleep again) then in the morning i went to uni.
After Uni i went home and my mam and dad had come over from Hartlepool to see me, when i answered the door they where stood there with birthday cake with candles and started signing Happy Birthday. this was great and so sweet of them, they gave me a load of cards from my family and a band new acoustic guitar which is am amazing and sounds so much better.
the other day my lovely girlfriend surprised me with a cheese cake and candles with a 21 badge. this was so sweet of her to do, love you emily.
for my birthday emily got me 2 books, these where Final Fantasy book.
the one on the left i have been after for so long, i was going to get it before from someone but they never gave me it but my angel gave me it and that was awesome of her.
due to all the work i haven't had a chance to look through them yet but i will when i have time.
like i said im not sure about time and dates due to working all the time so im not really sure what else has happened.
anyway hope you enjoyed this post there will be another one soon so stay tuned.
bye for now
hay gorgeous
wasnt that sushi just awesome :D
the books were a christmas pressie though love, the yo sushi, equalizer tee and the cheesecake and the badge and the homemade sushi was your birthday x x x x x x x x x x x x x
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