Hey all i know its a late one this week (well one day late) but i've been really busy with............can you guess...............yep you got it, been busy with my rigging for my FYP next year.
it all honesty it getting there but it is starting to do my head in with this new setup for the arm but if you want to read more about all that then check out my Animation Blog.
Anyway on my 2nd life (the one that you are all in) i've not really been up to as my animation life has been taking over but what i have been up to is looking forward for emily coming back from here holiday with her rents, which she did do on Saturday ^_^.
so to celebrate her coming back from holiday we went to the Pics to see The Taking of Pelham 123 and i have to say it was an AWESOME Movie and an AWESOME night it was great to see her after such a long week of missing her. Since we missed the Carnival at the Headland with all my work and the fact we forgot about it i went and got her a little Nintendog Puppy Plushy that barked when you press it er which she loved so i was so happy. Next year though we are definitely going to the Carnival as i love going there with her and shooting the targets on the sideshows, i am a crack shot at it and think i've only ever missed once in the maybe 14 years of me going to the Carnival which isn't bad ^_^.
so ye she loved that and as she went way she got me a little something from her holiday, a little monkey teddy and a lovely keyring that has a little dude on it with me favorite colors Red and Black (yes i know blacks a shade not a color) now these keyrings come in pears ones a mainly Black with a little Red and ones a Red with a bit of Black, i got the mainly red with a little Black as it was my favorite ^_^ and emily got the other one, these follow the same principles of the broken heart keyrings and pedants where each person has one half and i love them. ^_^
but the best thing that she got me by far is a black and silver ring which i saw at a jewelers a while back and she got me it and.............I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It I Love It, thank you lover.
so ye she came around tonight to give me them gifts as she was busy yesterday but it was WELL WORTH the wait ^_^
so ye thats been it really not much else has happened that i can think of.
Oh last thin i just found out after i wrote the last thing, my sister Fiona Webb has just found out that she passed the acceptance classes over the summer to get into Newcastle University so i would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to my wonderful sister, i knew you would do it after all you got the brains in this family ^_^ (i got the looks :P) but really well done i hope you enjoy all your time at University i know i loved my first year and im sure you will as well. (im saying this and she doesn't even know about my blog but oh well).
anyway that really is the end of that so i hope you enjoyed reading and i'll try and remember Sunday next time not Monday ^_^.
Laterz ! ! ! !
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