hey guys well as you can see from the title of my post this week is a bit of a blank to m, i only just realized it was Sunday hence the time of the post ^_^
you know the saying "time flies when your having fun" well either that saying is complete BS or rigging is so much run i didn't even realize it (literally, NOTHING).
anyway as this is my Diary Blog i better talk about things other then my work, well the other day me and emily had a lovely night in and watched iGor and ordered a Chinese Takeaway, its been such a long time since we did anything like that and it was just so nice to do again, before (like year-ish ago) we use to do it all the time and to be honest he more we did it the less special it was but since we hadn't done it in ages it was like a whole new spark or romance had been inserted into the relationship ^_^.
the on top of that, she was wearing this gawjus top that we picked out together, its a tight denim effect top, that with a pair of tight denim jeans just made me melt at the knee's. it been great seeing her getting new cloths recently that fit her instead of swallowing her whole, its not just cos there fitted and she soot it but its also that she has such a stunning figure that she hasn't been told she has enough in life and sometime i dont think she sees it. i've never gone out with someone so beautiful so thin and so loving and i just dont like seeing her hidden away behind big baggy cloths. but s i said she doesn't so that anymore and its just such a great feelin for me and i hope also for her.
but back to the night, so ye we snuggled up on the sofa and watched iGor and had some food and it was fantastic, UNTIL i started walking home (yes i walk, its a novel thing i know but you all should try it sometime ^_^) i got maybe 5 mins away from emilys and a Police Van pulled up beside me, now im just listening to my mp3 through my headphones minding my own business so im thinking maybe they are wanting to ask me if i've seen anyone suspicious or something but no they wanted to ask me questions (no idea why) bout who i was, where i was going, where i had been, who i had been with and also had the nerve to say that it was late to be walking home don't i think, now granted this was 2am when it happened but im a 21 year old man (hell i just said man, whats happening to me) i dont need anyone telling me its to late to be walking home. now if i was listening to music on loud speakers or shouting or coursing fuss in the streets then i would understand and they would have been well within there right to question me but i was just walking home and listening nothing else so where do they get off questioning me and to top it off every time i answered one of there questions they repeated exactly what i said in a sarcastic tone right back at me which really pissed me off.
you know when you know EXACTLY what to say AFTER the situation, well it was one of them ones. when they drove away i knew what i should have said to them but it was to late, i was going to sit in that exact space until they drove back (thinking they just go around the block) but i decided it best just to get home and rant about it on facebook anyway its in the past now but i thought i would do a blog post about it anyway.
as i said the weeks blank with all this work my days have merged into one, so i think im going to leave it here but now i've finished my rig (not the face yet) of my character i might be able to do more in the real work (the real world being anywhere outside of my room) so i might have more next week.
so i'll catch you all later and keep safe guys otherwise i have bugger all to read this thing ^_^
laterz x
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