Anyway, if you are reading this from the UK you are with out a doubt about to look out the window and see this.

Now if you where one of them people who said "it never snows anymore i want it to snow this Xmas, i would love a white Xmas" then i have one thing to say to you........i hate you.
Now granted, i was one of the people who said that as well but still i can't help but hate everyone who also said it cos its making my house freezing (we go through £20 of Gas in 3 days).
Now i hope that the snow isn't destroying your days and its not making you ill. im starting to feel a cold coming on but i've not had one in a long time and im not going to let this get me.
Dont get me wrong i love the snow and winter is one of my favourite seasons but i think because the house im living in this year is falling appart and when it snows my walls leek im just in a bit of a huff about it.
Anyway on a completely different note, i hope you all had a great time on New Years.....For mine i was going to stay in Hartlepool with my family but i decided to come back to Middlesbrough and celebrate it with my mates.
We had a fantastic time going around the town and drinkning the night away, although i forgot my ID so i had to head back home and get it but as soon as i got back to town i joined in with the drinking.
we starting out like this.......

and ended up looking like this.....

so all in all one hell of a good night. ^_^
So that was New Years.
Now not really much else happened (apart from snow stroms) but i did have a hell of a lot of problems with my MacBook Pro, i've been waiting on Apple to release the BootCamp 3.0 update so that Windows 7 is compatable....this has coursed me a hell of a lot of problems including trying to get XSI to work on my laptop without any major issues.
Every time i installed XSI and then used VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop 5 to use it i would then get a message asking for a licence key and this was couring me to have to reinstall Windows 7 over and over and over again till i got it to work and keep working.
Now i just looked back at my last couple of post and noticed that although i posted a message on xmas i didn't say what i got...........well from my family i got £50 cash which i put towards a bluetooth mouse for my laptop, lots of sweets (yum yum yum cavities lol), a cool 3D drawing kit (its just rules).............emmmmm........PC games and PS2 games (yes im old skool, i even still have my Atari) and also an Xbox 360 wired controler for my MacBook Pro so i can play my game with a controller instead of a mouse and keyboard (which is hard to do on GTA IV).
And off Emily i got an AWESOME.......and i mean AWESOME ! ! ! RoadKill Toy..

how cute is he.....i've been wanting one ever since i saw them on Dragons Den and im so happy she got me it......also she got me a new Skateboard since my last one got knicked.....though if the weather keeps up i'll have to convert it into a snowboard.
anyway for the next couple of weeks i'll be working my ass off trying to get my work up to date as due to all the computer issues i've not been able to get much work done.......thing is im going back to uni on Monday with a load of work that should have been done by now.
so i will try and get back onto a sunday update schedual but it is hard to do at the moment with all the work......but fingers crossed it will be ok.
anyway by for now and as always i hope you enjoyed reading this ^_^
PS......This is how bad it is....

PS......This is how bad it is....

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