anyway as promised i have taken the photos of the house to show you guys, i will be posting more when i move in but for now this is all i have.
well this is my room
these are some of the other parts of the house....
so ye what do you think? its really really really big so im very happy.
so ye that my new house.....
so what else has been happening, well me and emily went to Seaton for a nice bag of chips and a good old free running session, she did quite well for a noob ^_^
other then that it was a quite week until Saturday when me and Emily went to Newcastle for the day.....we had a great time. we went to YoSushi as soon as we got there though as we where both completely hungry but once that was out the way it just turned into a complete clothes shopping day but a really fun one.
emily got some new clothes and i got a nice new belt (im broke at the moment)
so ye thats been my week really other then working on my animation but read more about that at my other blog.
bye for now
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