so ye, i've been really busy with animation this week not really managed to get out the house sadly but i have manged to find more people for my accommodation next year next year, we have a good friend of mine Almantas Ĺ ukelis from Lithuania and a new friend of my girlfriend and mine Lauren Stroud. im really looking forward to next year now as i have a fresh start (almost) with making friends, im living with people that i know and they all play guitar to a certain extent so we can have jamming sessions which will be fucking AWESOMENESS wrapped in a big ball of AWESOMENESS with AWESOME face stickers all over it ^_^ lol
but really its goin to be amazing if all things go to plan and all the guys mentioned do move in.
if at all your interested in knowing where abouts i will be living here is a google map image of the area and the (a) is where i am

another great thing about the house mates is that i know them all so i know that they ain't goin to be steeling or breaking or destroying my things and i know at least 2 of them clean up after themselves so things will be clean for once in a student house as far as i can see which will be a first in comparison to my houses last year and the year before.
tomorrow i will be going to the house to make a list of anything that is broken or ripped or scratched so that i can say at the end of the contract that it was there at the start and non of my bond will be taking off me. as well as a list i will be taking photos of the house so if you want i'll post them up on here so that you can see what it looks like and when i move in more will be on there way as i will have all my gear in there and i wont be able to wait to show it off i guess.
em...........what else have i done................well like i said i've been working on my animations and doing DJ Nickes' animation course as i've dropped a little bit behind on them and i should be starting my 3rd week by now not my 1st but im getting there. ^_^
also i've been working on updating the look of my animation blog, it was just getting really old looking and i was growing tired of it so i decided to have a change and i must say i do like it but i will be working on a new header image for it as i just really rushed that one and know i could do better.
thats all really, as i said it's only been 4 days since my last post so not much can really happen in 4 days.
just to finish off i'll be updating all my other blogs so if you are interested check them out.
anyway bye for now guys and speak to you soon.
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