As this is my Diary Blog i wanted to make it look more like a Diary so please let me know what you think about it.
so anyway, i've been quite busy this week and last week, last week Emily was staying over as many of you know and she left on Sunday :'(, i find myself missing her o much since then but i know she moves back to Middlesbrough soon so as soon as she's settled in i'll be able to see her more.
last blog post you may remember me saying that there where things that bugged me that i didn't know if i could live with in the long run with Emily, well im still around 90% about it but to be honest it bugs me a little more then it maybe should but the problem is i have to strong manners to bring it up as to talk about it is bad mannered and i just can't bring myself to be bad mannered.
but i really dont know what to do so i'm just going to have to just see how things work out and see if the things that bug me go away.
i still love Emily no matter what, she is my angel and will always be my angel for as long as time lasts, and as when im with her time stands still so i can see time lasting forever.
so what else has happened, well as i said Emily moved out and my friend and new house mate Al moved in. He's such a laugh i can see this year being a great year, when he moved in he went and bought a bottle of alcohol (can't remember what it was) and we all had a drink to celebrate the new move in.
it was great when he was getting his stuff unpacked as he went to smell a pan (not sure why) and ended up hitting himself in the face with it.
The pan he is cleaning is the culprit ^_^, i really wish i had caught him at the time it happened, such a Kodak moment.
after he unpacked his new knife he decided to attack me with it, i ended up getting my nuts chopped off, im in so much pain right not but they are growing back nicely. ^_^
sound didn't work when i converted it.
so ye after all the hitting and cutting lol not much else went on that night apart from me crashing as i was sooooooooooooooooo tired.
so let me see if i can remember what else happened last week (sorry if im all over the place this week im finding it hard to remember my stuff) well me and Emily went to the Cinema to see District 9 and OMG it was awesome CG but the movie wasn't much to write home about, the plot was ok i guess but i just didn't leave the cinema with that jaw dropping feeling i love to have at the end of movies that give me the sense that i have see something i am going to remember for a long time. in all i would give the movie a 3 1/2 stars

if you do go and see it, REALLY listen to the main character Wikus Van De Merwe played by Sharlto Copley. his accent is so much more Geordie when he says Fuck or Fucking which he says a lot through out the film then the South African character he is meant to be playing which is odd as he is South African in real life.
just listen out for it and you will see what i mean.
so what else?????, well me and my friend James met up early on in the week to have a good old catch up over some food at the Southfield, it was really great to catch up and see what he had been up to, he is really having some problems with getting a job but i would hope that with the advice i gave him he will find it a lot easier to.
there was an awesome afters as well, i had Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie......
it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy, sadly when me and emily went back on later that week there was no pie left and i had to have Chocolate Fudge Cake, not to say that it wasn't nice but i really was looking forward to having the pie.
i dont really have much else to talk about (well nothing i can remember) , oh here are some images from within the week......
well i got an idea to draw a smiley face on Emily's hand so she drew one on mine, then i thought i would make it into a nice cat face ^_^, it got a couple of giggles....i love emilys giggle, its soooooo cute.
also these are some cans of drink that i bought when i was in London a few months back for mine and emilys 2 year anniversity i dont think i posted the images up so i thought i would do it now.....its a great set of drinks to invigorate your pussy lol
anyway i really do think thats it for this week.......oh and emily also had a massive fight, a straw fight that is ^_^
it was so much fun.....we couldn't stop laughing out heads off and then we decided to use the straws as headsets and become security and then Britney Spears...before she went nuts. there is a video that we recorded but it to long to upload so i'll just show these stills from it.....
well that is REALLY it for this week as far as i can remember but if not i'll post what i forget next week.
hope you Enjoyed ! ! !
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