So ye, the fun stuff......well me, Emily and Bryon all went to see the A-Team at the cinema the other weeks and it was AMAZING, so funny and full of action so a win win for me ^^ i think the next movie we'll be seeing will most likely be The Expendables as it looks awesome and it has all the action stars that i grew up watching so im really looking forward to seeing it.
more recently me and Emily went to the Carnival the other day which was a load of fun, didn't really go on any rides as im not really into the carnival rides to much anymore but i do love the shooting games on the sideshows......i ended up winning a giraffe & pony teddy for Emily and she got me a little Yoshi plushy which i love as i love Yoshi, he's so cute ^^

also we had a nice walk over to the sea front and had a good climb over the rocks which i loved....
i also attempted to do some arty photos and the kinda worked out ok but Emily has the ones on her camera that i liked the most, so i will try and get them off her as soon as i can and post them on here......but for now here and the ones i took.
Sooooooooooooooooo, thats a lot of images i know but like i said this is going to be a very image based post as im always snapping away with the camera.
So in other events......yesterday was my mate Dans Birthday so i headed back to Hartlepool to celebrate with him, it was a great night and i got to see a lot of people i ain't seen in years (literally like 4 or 5 years) so thats was absolutely fantastic and im glad i managed to get through to see him ^^.
Sadly dan had to leave early so it ended up just being me for a while till i found some people i knew, as the night got on the music started getting really bad as they went from Alternative to Pop and that just not right so i decided to head off home it was around 3am and the roads where really quiet i decided to do something i have wanted to do for years but never had the chance to.....i decided i would walk back home to Middlesbrough from if my family ever found out about this they would KILL me so if your reading this and you know my mam or dad please dont tell them i'll do it at sound point later in the future ^^
Now before i set off i had a check on my phone and found that it was 9.3 miles and would take about 3.4 hours to walk thats not really very much walking in my opinion so i set off.

So, as i walked home i decided i would take some photos and and stuff to document what i was doing but sadly my phone battery ran flat half way back so the picture sadly ain't complete but there are some nice ones.
anyway, so i walked the shorter way back as i knew the route from taking buses that way, as i got to Seaton Crarew i noticed how beautiful it looked at night.....the soft light from the night sky was amazing...
As i got to around the end of Seaton i noticed some horses and since i love horses i decided that i would pop over and see them but to my shock one of them had there front right leg trapped in the railings of a gate and was unable to get out of it.....i tried to help it out but started to worry that i was only going to make it worse so i tried to calm the horse down and got the number of the RSPCA who came out and helped free the beautiful creature.......also i must say that the young lass that came out to help was very beautiful as well :)
Since i was with the horse for about an hour the sun had started coming up so it was a little easier to see where i was going as i continued on my walk....
By the time i got to the first bus stop i was already starting to think i wouldn't be able to do it but at the same time i really wanted to complete this only hope was that the Transporter Bridge was open so early in the morning.
As it was night light and people where heading to work the traffic really started to pick up and this started to scare me as i started to noticed glass, tires, bumpers and skid marks on the areas i was walking........all i could think was that one of these cars are going to fly off the road and kill me but then i realized that there was a good chance that i would be ok and nothing was going to happen..............well i was like that until i came across some flowers tied to a lamp post and that shuck me up a little bit but i carried on my journey.
Since i had a long way to go i thought i would make a little game to keep me entertained so since i was walking on the side of oncoming traffic (so that they could see me and i could see them) i decided to smile at every driver going past.....some smiled back and some look at me like i was an idiot...the nicest people where the Cyclists and the Motor Bikers they all (apart from one) smiled back sometime said good morning to me which was really nice and kept me going even more.
I noticed just how many sheep where around as well, these 3 photos where taken at different places along the journey and there are so many more that i didn't take photos of.
I mean if one day sheep decide to take over the world we are done for.......there are just to many of them ^^
So, ye after about 2 hours of leaving the horse my feet had started to feel like they where which point the number 1 bus (the one that would have taken me home) drove past so now i knew the buses had started to run i began to struggle with myself as part of me wanted to walk and nothing else and the other half wanted to get on the next bus that came along and get some quickly......i decided that if the Transporter Bridge was running by the time i got there i would continue the walk if not that i would grab the bus at Port Clarence Farm and get home.
Thankfully (not much for me feet) the bridge was running and i hope aboard and payed my 60p to use it.........i ain't been on the bridge since i was a small child when i went on with me mam so it was so cool to be on it again.
for those of you who dont know, the Transporter Bridge is a large platform suspended below a tack and moves from one side of the river to the other carrying cars and people.

It was so much fun and on the other side of the bridge is a nice little dinner where i got some much needed food and a very much needed drink although i could have waited till i got in but i love dinners there so different from your coffee shops.
Anyway after my sausage sandwich and drink i continued my walk home........i soon found myself at my front door and i was so happy to see this point my feet where hurting and wet, my socks where wet, my shoes where wet and trousers where wet and all from walking through the due on the grass :p so as soon as i got in the house i got in some nice dry cloths and went to bed and i needed sleep badly ^^
and that was my total from leaving Church Street (where i decided i was going to do it) to getting to the house it took 4 hours and 32 minutes but if we take away the time with the horse it adds up to 3 hours and 27 minutes to walk to full 9.3 miles which is kinda impressive for me to be honest so well done me :p
and not many people can say that they traveled from Hartlepool to Middlesbrough for 60 pence ^^

And if you ever feel like doing something like that, take someone with you as it is quite dangerous and also wear proper walking gear as i was dressed for a night out not a walk so it wasn't to easy to do.
Anyway i hope you enjoyed read this as much as i enjoyed experiencing and writing it, as there isn't much of the day left i'm going to try and get some animation done as soon as Star Trek Voyager is finished (yes im a geek :p)
till next time guys, keep well and i'll talk to you soon.
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