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Written By: Monkey Boy

24 August 2010

Long Time

Well its been a long time since my last post but i hope that i can remember the things i did in that space of time.

About 2 weeks ago the Tall Ships invaded Hartlepool as it was the finishing line or there was nice to see such a lively environment.

Photos By Papy

Along with the ships there was sideshows and food stalls EVERYWHERE......never had anything except for a bag of chips with my mam.......had a great time though.

Can't really remember what happened over the next couple of days but at some and my mates from Hartlepool decided to go camping, it sounded like a great idea except after we had set everything up and finally got the campfire sorted the Wardens came over and said that due to changes in the policies of the park there is no camping allowed anymore so we had to pack up and time we're going to ensure that we can defo camp but all in all it was a great time with the guys.

More Photos On FaceBook

So ye, although the camping was a bust it was a still a great time.....i hope we get to do it again.

Well......... thats about it, was a great day as it was the day my router came through so now we finally have the internet, now i can finally write out my blog and start doing my YouTube videos.

anyway thats it for now me thinks.......i wish there was more i could say but its now 9:49pm and im shattered, i just want to get to bed as i have my Ultra Sound tomorrow to see if i ned surgery or not.

in same way i hope i do as it will stop the pain but in another way i really hope i dont as i hate the thought of being cut open.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

bye for now peeps.


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